“My Body Is My Temple And Asanas Are My Prayers” BKS Iyengar

The BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Australia (IYA) is dedicated to preserving and disseminating the teachings of Guruji Yogacharya B.K.S Iyengar in Australia. Established in 1985 by a small group of 19 students and teachers, it has since grown into a thriving community with over 800 dedicated teachers and students who embrace the art, science, and philosophy of Iyengar Yoga.

IYA's primary mission is to promote ‘Iyengar Yoga’ as a holistic way of life, both nationally and internationally. To achieve this, the association maintains rigorous guidelines for yoga practitioners, conducts regular assessments of all teachers, upholds high ethical standards within the practice and sector, and safeguards the use of the Iyengar brand in the wider community.

IYA serves as the official liaison to the Iyengar family at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India, and regularly hosts members of the Iyengar family at conferences and workshops nationwide. The ‘Iyengar Method,’ crafted and refined by Guriji Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar for over 75 years, is firmly rooted in the traditional eight limbs of yoga as taught by Indian scholar Patanjali over 2,500 years ago. Globally recognized as one of the most widely practiced yoga methods, Iyengar Yoga distinguishes itself through the emphasis on precision, alignment, sequencing, timing, and use of props.

In 2023, MILAM PROJECTS embarked on a collaboration with BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Australia (IYA) to develop a project proposal with the objective of outlining the creation of an online repository resource. This initiative aims to co-design a strategic framework with Ramanani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) to preserve, protect, and archive the teachings of Iyengar Yoga. This archival effort specifically encompasses the historical and archival resources of luminaries such as B.K.S Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar, Prashant Iyengar, and Abhiyata Iyengar, as well as tracking the evolution of these studies and practices, over the decades and generations.

Additionally, the aim is to bolster the international network of Iyengar Yoga Associations globally and establish a collaborative learning portal that is both a ‘living and breathing’ resource for certified Iyengar teachers, teacher trainees, yoga practitioners and enthusiasts.

The absence of robust archival mechanisms thus far has raised concerns regarding the safeguarding of BKS Iyengar's teachings, which serve as foundational elements for many schools, teacher resources, and curriculums. The ultimate goal is to construct an online global resource that serves as a dynamic and collaborative repository. Through a strategic design and research process, we intend to provide a comprehensive framework that not only preserves but also shares the evolution of the remarkable journey undertaken by the Iyengar family, alongside their interactions with other inspired senior Iyengar teachers and individuals.

The outcomes of this project are currently under development and will be shared in due course.

Video by Hexagon Media

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

BKS Iyengar

“Love begets courage. Moderation creates abundance and humility generates power.”

BKS Iyengar

“When I practice, I am a philosopher. When I teach, I am a scientist. When I demonstrate, I am an artist.”

BKS Iyengar




Ladakh Nuns Association